[email protected]   206-229-2185


The Consent Primer

The first book of its kind. Consent. It’s been talked about in the news, on the internet, and around the dinner table. We’ve seen it impact lives from Hollywood to the Supreme Court. But what is it really? How do we, as a society and a nation, define this complex and topical subject? The...

A Hypnokink Unconference

On Saturday, August 17th, Gallery Erato will host It’s All In Your Head, a day long educational and social event focusing on the headier types of BDSM play. Openspace education events are participant driven and the topics of discussion are set by the attendees at the beginning of the day. Is this event for...

Polglamorous Workshop & Book Event

Robin Beatch is going to be back in Seattle on July 6! Robin will be teaching a workshop entitled “Communication and Problem Solving in Alternative Relationship Dynamics“, inspired by her visit to Seattle last August. The workshop starts at 11:00am and is 90 minutes long. After the workshop, you are welcome to stay or...

Consent Academy Contest Needs Project Manager

Want to run a film contest and screening about consent? The Consent Academy is sponsoring a short film contest during the fall of 2019. This contest is to solicit films that highlight consensual interaction and promote consent education. The target open date for film submissions is 9/16 and the conclusion of the contest is...

A New Life For the Pan Eros Library

  Libraries foster community connection and information consumption; libraries aid in development and add value through cultural engagement. Supporting, connecting, informing, in their many iterations, Libraries are at the heart of communities. At present, the Pan Eros Foundation Library exists in a halted, non-functioning state of transition. Once a catalogued Special Collections Library, the...

The Importance of Empowering Youth

When it comes to consent and sexuality, today’s youth are getting a lot of mixed messages. We all want the best for future generations, and that means helping them sift through all of those mixed messges. The best we can do for our youth is empower them with accurate information and open lines of...


Pan Eros Foundation takes steps to support consent culture in Seattle and beyond As the #MeToo movement, founded by Tanara Burke, has shown, many communities are still struggling with articulating standards for ethical behavior around sex and power. The Seattle-based Pan Eros Foundation, producer of the internationally renown Seattle Erotic Art Festival, has joined...

Reflecting On The Year

A Letter from the Director I’ve struggled to encapsulate this year into a few paragraphs. I feel it is impossible to give you a full accounting of everything the Pan Eros Foundation has worked on this year without going on for pages. So I will settle on the briefest of summaries. At the beginning...

Don’t Forget! From the Vaults: SEAF Art Auction and Fundraiser

Saturday night is going to be great fun at our Silent Art Auction and Party! For your enjoyment, savory and sweet amuse bouche will be served by, and on, delicious darlings. Be there to witness tantalizing burlesque performances by the Jesse Belle-Jones and Onyx Asili, two beautiful bondage performances by BlkStar and her daring...

Gallery Erato Closed on Black Friday

Dear Art Patrons, All of us at Pan Eros Foundation extend our warmest holiday wishes to you as we enter a season of celebration.  One of our most highly held values as an organization is the fostering of human intimacy and this year, we’ve allowed that value to be our guiding light as we...