
Pay It Forward Scholarship Program

The Pan Eros Foundation is dedicated to educating our community to the fullest extent it can. We know it can be a hardship to afford a ticket to a lecture or workshop, and to help with that we’ve created the Pay It Forward (PIF) Scholarship Fund. This program provides an opportunity for those who can’t afford the full ticket price a “pay what you can” option at participating workshops. This is also a chance for those more financially privileged to sponsor others in receiving quality sexuality education.

Ways you can donate to the Pay It Forward Program:

  • Purchase the PIF ticket for a specific workshop within the program. You can attend the workshop and know you are helping others.
  • Online with a credit card – go to and choose the donation amount you would like to go toward this program.
  • Via phone with a credit card – Call (206) 229-2185 and say you want to donate to the PIF fund.
  • Mailing a check – Make the your check payable to Pan Eros Foundation (write PIF in the memo field) and address it to Pan Eros Foundation P.O. Box 4475 Seattle, WA 98194

To Apply for a Scholarship:

writing-love-note-man-297x197In order to take advantage of a Pay It Forward Scholarship, email us at with the event you wish to attend, your name, and how much you are able to pay. Your name and ticket price will then be included on the “Will Call” list for that specific event. You will receive an email notifying you that we have received your request and that you have been placed on Will Call. Then, just show up on the day of the event, check in with the cashier, pay for your PIF ticket, and enjoy the workshop!

Some restrictions apply. Some workshops may have a limited number of PIF Scholarships available. If any workshops are excluded from the PIF Scholarship Program, the workshop description on the upcoming events page will indicate its exclusion. You must receive a confirmation email from Pan Eros staff stating they have received your request and confirming you have been placed on the list in order to attend at a reduced rate.

Please direct any questions regarding the Pay It Forward Scholarship Program to


To receive a letter of donation for the donation portion of your PIF workshop ticket purchase for tax purposes, please email with your name and date of the workshop.